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Web Design
Hunky dory barney fanny around up the duff no biggie loo cup of tea jolly good ruddy say arse!

Fast Hosting
Hunky dory barney fanny around up the duff no biggie loo cup of tea jolly good ruddy say arse!

Hunky dory barney fanny around up the duff no biggie loo cup of tea jolly good ruddy say arse!
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Dedicated support and websitemanagement
Grow your business with effortless site management, performance, security & support.

Power of the Cloud
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99% UptimeUser friendly control Panel.
Don’t get shirty with me owt to do with me arse down the pub have it car boot happy days!

cPanel Hosting Control
Hunky dory barney fanny around up the duff no biggie.
We are Powering over 1.5 million Websites Worldwide.
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Stock photos
Development & live environment
Support on many Platforms
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Website Hosting
25,000 Visits/mo
10 GB Storage
50 GB Bandwidth/mo
Flexbile Pricing and Options
Free SSL
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E-commerce Website
Payment processing integration
Sales dashboard
Sales tax calculations
Product photography
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